The enrollment process for both Phil 4326/5326 Lives Worth Living: Questions of Self, Vocation, and Community, and for Phil 4350/5350: Catching Lives Worth Living: Participation in the Growth of a Living-Learning Community, requires:
- Completion of an application form (email us at [email protected] for an application form).
- An interview with a Philosophy Camp student adviser or instructor regarding the residential nature of the course.
- Student’s signature affirming statement of intent to participate in the course.
- Acceptance of the application and registration of the student in Phil 4326.
When enrollment in Philosophy Camp is approved by Professor Roy T Cook, your registration for Phil 4326/5326 or Phil 5350/5350 is guaranteed.
Cost for Phil 4326/5326:
The cost for PHIL 4326/5326 is $2,900. This cost covers:
- Tuition for 4 credits (undergraduate or graduate).
- A single-occupancy room for three weeks.
- Daily meals
- Course supplies.
Double-occupancy is also an option for most rooms. Each student who shares a room will receive a $200 refund. Student’s room preferences will be honored in the order their acceptance to the program is confirmed. The number of single and double rooms available will vary with enrollment.
Billing and payment due dates vary according to student status. Students enrolled at the University of Minnesota will be billed in early June; the bill will be due in early July. Non-degree-seeking individuals and students enrolled at other institutions will have other billing and payment schedules.
Modest scholarships to assist students in Phil 4326/5326 may be available, depending on funds.
Once your application for Philosophy Camp is accepted, should you decide not to register for Phil 4326/5326 or later withdraw from or cancel the course, you will still be charged for and will be responsible for paying $500 of the program fee. Should Philosophy Camp not enroll enough students for Phil 4326/5326 and Phil 4350/5350 to be offered, however, you will owe nothing.
Additional discretionary spending money may be needed for personal use (e.g., gas, postage, personal supplies).
Cost for Phil 4250/5350:
Total cost for PHIL 4350/5350 is $1260. The fee covers:
- 2-credits tuition (undergraduate or graduate)
- A single-occupancy room for six nights
- All meals
- Course supplies.
Billing and payment due dates may vary according to student status.